
a personal blog for Jamey Alea

Category - Articles

January 16, 2018

7 Ways To Support Someone Who’s Changing Their Name & Pronouns

So, recently you’ve found out some big news about somebody you care about. Maybe they came out to you as transgender and/or non-binary, maybe they’ve told you that they’re changing their name and/or...

December 22, 2017

Magazine Articles, Star Wars Reviews & More!

Hi friends! I haven’t posted a new article on this blog in a while, but not because I haven’t been active lately, so I wanted to share some of the...

October 2, 2017

The Memory Archive Wayback Machine

A few days ago, when I was applying to speak at a conference, I went to take a peek at one of my old talk videos on YouTube, I found...

September 18, 2017

Experimenting with Scarification: Taking Care Of My First Brand

I’m a huge fan of body mods and over the summer this year, I finally had the opportunity to do a body modification that I’ve had my eye on for...

September 12, 2017

Defining: Gender Dysphoria

DEFINE IT: The word “dysphoria” is defined as “a sense of being ill at ease or a feeling of dissatisfaction or anxiety.” That’s a pretty good characterization of what gender...

August 23, 2017

The magic behind the curtain — adding multiple orgs to Agrilyst

Often, making a change to an application can look pretty straightforward from the outside. Without understanding the underlying structure of the application, it can be hard to realize how much...

June 19, 2017

How to Defect From the Empire (and Other Unethical Jobs)

Since writing about the crisis of morals I had after seeing Rogue One for the first time, I’ve discussed the topics of Star Wars and engineering ethics with many colleagues...

June 8, 2017

Jamey Grows #1 – Hamama Review

Are you interested in livening up your house or workspace with a little extra green? Have you wanted to grow some of your own produce at home but didn’t have...

May 12, 2017

Out With The Old, In With The New: My Relationship With My Birth Name

I don’t hear my birth name very often anymore. Shedding the burden of carrying my birth name with me seemed unattainable when I was just beginning the journey of changing...

May 8, 2017


I spend a lot of time scared, much more than I’d like to let on. I think a lot of people who know me would be surprised to hear me...

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