
a personal blog for Jamey Alea

Conf Report: Railsconf 2018

May 17, 2018 Jamey Alea 0 Comments

I was fortunate enough to be invited to speak at Railsconf again this year, which was held in sunny Pittsburgh, PA! (Just kidding, it snowed the whole time even though it was in April.)

As it was only my second Railsconf, I wasn’t sure how many people I’d know – but I completely surprised myself! I was able to catch up with tons of friends there and it really felt like coming home to my community, which was a great feeling. I participated in the Scholar/Guide program for the first time, which was very rewarding. And I got to give a talk about STAR WARS, so what more could I possibly ask for? If you’d like to watch my Star Wars talk (which is actually an engineering ethics talk in disguise), it’s available online!

The other thing that was super exciting about Railsconf was that Greater Than Code was there – live! We did our first live episode as a panel at Railsconf and talked about our relationship with our code with a few of our friends as special guests! Go here to listen to that special episode!

Anyway, I had a great time connecting with friends old and new, learning and chatting about tech and generally enjoying the conference. And, spoiler alert: it turns out that I am going to be attending Rubyconf in November this year, so I hope to see everyone again soon!


#conf report#conferences#engineering ethics#events#pennsylvania#railsconf#star wars

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