
a personal blog for Jamey Alea

Gay Weddings & Avocados: Jamey’s Life Updates

November 11, 2019 Jamey Alea 0 Comments

Hello friends! I just did a bit of an update on my website for the first time in a while and I wanted to share a bit of what has been going on with me lately. I’ve had some big life changes in the past few months!

I’m still working at the same ag-tech company, although we’ve changed our name from Agrilyst to Artemis – an upgrade in my opinion! In August, I took on a new role and the title of Developer Advocate. (Or as I like to say, Developer Avocado!) I’m still getting used to the world of DevRel, but it has been a really good career move for me so far. I’ve spent my whole career as a generalist and it’s exciting to have the opportunity to really specialize for the first time, I’ve been learning a lot. I’m in charge of all of the API and integration work at Artemis now, I’ve been working with developers from other organizations and I’m looking forward to doing more training and such in the future. Here’s the new Artemis Developer’s Portal, which highlights a lot of the stuff I’ve been working on! I did do a few conferences this year (and I wasn’t able to do conf reports for them but I did add them to my Talks page!) and next year I’m hoping to be doing even more as I get more tuned in to the DevRel community as a whole. So if you want to hang out with me, watch my schedule! (Or better yet, invite me right to your conference, haha.)

Our new logo slaps too, btw

As for my writing, lately I’ve been trying to focus more on writing creatively and a little less on articles and reviews. I’ll be talking more about that later this week, but I’ve also added a Creative Works page with links to some of the stuff I’ve been working on. I’m also doing NaNoWriMo for the first time this month, which is pretty exciting! I’m doing a pared down version for poets and trying to write 30 poems during the month of November. Honestly I doubt I will even accomplish that, but it feels good to be writing daily and with intention!

And perhaps my biggest news is from my personal life. I got gay married!

The handfasting ceremony was on September 7th, so I spent a lot of the summer busy getting ready for that! It was a magical ceremony right in our own neighborhood and we were surrounded by a lot of really wonderful and supportive people. We had a huge party in our yard with our favorite folk band playing and it was truly a special day. And then we left the day after and spent two weeks in Greece, which was absolutely incredible. Athens was my favorite as a history nerd, but we also did a little island hopping through Crete, Santorini and Paros. It was fascinating and beautiful and a wonderful thing to do for our first two weeks as a married couple. I’m so grateful!

Despite all these exciting things happening my life, I’ve also been struggling with mental illness issues. It just goes to show how mental illness doesn’t care what you’ve been accomplishing! I’ve been spending a lot of time resting up, watching Twin Peaks and getting ready for what I hope will be a rejuvenating, artistic and spiritually enriching winter of rest and study, with the intention of kicking some more ass in 2020. Much love!


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