Introducing: Stationary & Sassy!
May 11, 2020 Jamey Alea 0 Comments
I’ve really been checking all the boxes in my “Millennial quarantine stereotype” checklist. Baking my own bread, check. Adopted a new pet, check. Yep, I watched Tiger King too. And now I’m adding the ultimate quarantine cliché to my repertoire — I’ve started a new podcast! But it’s not just any podcast. It’s called Stationary and Sassy: A Fast & Furious Quarantine Podcast and I’m cohosting it together with my great friend, Penelope Phippen.

The premise of the show is thus: Penelope is a huge fan of the Fast & Furious franchise, I have never seen them before. So I’m watching all of the movies for the first time, one per week, and then we talk about it! I’ve been enjoying these movies immensely, and it has been great to have something to look forward to every week while being stuck at home.
(It’s also technically a Greater than Code spinoff show, because it’s based on a joke and mini-episode we did when Penelope was a guest on GTC back in January. But now that we’re sheltering in place and looking for something to do, the joke has become a reality!)
The first episode is out now! And new episodes will be coming out every Friday until we have watched all of the existing Fast & Furious movies. I hope that somebody other than the two of us enjoys this silly, niche podcast! But if they don’t, that’s okay, because me and Penelope enjoy it and ultimately that’s the most important thing.